What is eDonate?

eDonate is your smart donation platform where you can accept donations and payments for membership or small self service items

How does it work?

Set up your donations and services (Pay my membership, Sponsor a meal etc.)
Set your account settings (You can use your own credit card processor).
Mount your eDonate pad at your desired location.

Features and Customizations:

  • The eDonate pad has a 10.1” touchscreen that you can mount on a wall or it may be mounted on any VESA compatible mount or stand.
  • Multiple themes are available to aesthetically match your location and may be customized with each organizations logo.
  • You may have suggested donation amounts or have the user choose to donate any amount they wish.
  • When making a donation the user can ask for a reciept by email.
  • As administrator, you can see all transactions that were done on your pad(s) and print or export reports. The reports may be grouped, filtered, sorted and summarized by based upon any of the fields available.

How can I find out more?

eDonate is constantly getting new features!
If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call!
Or click below and fill out the form!


About eDonate

eDonate was devoloped by Mysoft Systems, a team of experienced software developers.
Mysoft Systems has been helping businesses and individuals with custom software development and smart solutions for over 15 years!